All newsletter issues since September 2022 can be accessed by clicking here.
Newsletter issues prior to September 2022 are listed below, and are in PDF format.
Does your organization or group have an article or event that you would like to share with the Mayfair community? Please consider having it included in the Mayfair Civic Association newsletter. Its distribution reaches hundreds of engaged neighbors and local businesses through email, social media, and other channels.
Submit articles of interest or announcements of upcoming public and community events to We have limited editorial time, so please try and keep submissions as focused and concise as possible to help with their inclusion. Submissions related to upcoming events, for example, can often be kept to 100 words or less; including a URL is a good way to provide readers with a way to get more information about the event. Articles for publication will be considered based on relevance, timeliness and space, and submissions may be edited for space and content.
Issues are published on the first Thursday of February, April, June, September, and November of every year, ahead of the membership meeting on the following Thursday. If you’d like to be reminded of upcoming newsletter publications so that you can submit content, just send an email to and we can add you to an email list to receive reminders.
Mayfair Messenger Back Issues
June 2022
April 2022
February 2022
November 2021
September 2021
June 2021
April 2021
February 2021
November 2020
September 2020
June 2020
April 2020
February 2020
November 2019
September 2019
June 2019
April 2019
February 2019
May 2016
March 2016
November 2015
Oct 2015