Zoom meeting this Thursday, 3/14 at 6:30pm

The next Mayfair Civic Association meeting will be held this Thursday, 3/14 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our discussion will include:

  1. 39th Ward Participatory Budgeting;
  2. 4606 N. Kelso Development and Zoning Variance request (RS3 to RS3.5); and
  3. Mayfair Civic Mural completion efforts.

Here is a map of the 4606 N. Kelso lots: https://maps.app.goo.gl/MTTU5S7gWfeXJ8pv5. Currently, there is a blue house and side yard on the two lots. The contact for the zoning change said:

The property is currently zoned RS-3 and contains 2 lots[4&5} each lot measures 25 x125.  Lot 4 is improved with a 2 flat and lot 5 is vacant.  The zoning change requested is to that of RT3.5 to put the current 2 flat into compliance and construct a single family home on lot 5.

For information on residential district zoning, see https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/latest/chicago_il/0-0-0-2681080. Here are renderings for the request:

For Zoom meeting info, please email mayfair-civic-newsletter@googlegroups.com. To be notified of upcoming meetings without needing to request the meeting info, just request to join https://groups.google.com/g/mayfair-civic.

Mayfair Park sculpture selection

Following is a list of sculptures for possible installation in Mayfair Park, from Chicago Sculpture International. We will discuss during the Thursday, 5/11 Zoom meeting. To attend, please send an email mayfair-civic-contact@googlegroups.com for the meeting info. To be notified of future meetings consider joining our mailing list at mayfair-civic@googlegroups.com by clicking here and clicking “Ask to join group”.