June 13 Zoom Meeting
Our next meeting will be held via Zoom at 6:30pm on Thursday, June 13. Please plan to attend to discuss updates on the 4606 N Kelso zoning variance request, along with any other topics of interest regarding the neighborhood of Mayfair. Zoom meeting attendance details will be sent out to our email list before the meeting. To join our email list, visit https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mayfair-civic and click “Ask to join group”.
Letter from the President
Chicago schools soon let out for summer break, as do we following our June 13 meeting. At our last meeting, Congressman Quigley provided a report of House efforts to manage and operate despite continuing Republican chaos. He noted his committee’s application of infrastructure funds toward $95 million in highway, mass transportation and other capital improvements in the District and set asides for safety and other preparations for this summer’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Alderman Nugent discussed the PB program status and PEBA’s/SSA #79’s work on Lawrence Avenue Bump-outs, gardens, etc. She said PB proposal submissions have concluded, and they are now requesting your vote to determine those with the most support and chance of success. See the PB Chicago website for Ward 39 and support Mayfair Park basketball court improvements! Alderman Nugent also noted that recently revived Weber Trail discussions are close to conclusion with the railroad and that she was close to confirming funding for development.
Hats off to those that battled the rain during the June 1 Mayfair Park Advisory Council Community Yard Sale.
We will have the owner’s counsel available at our next meeting to discuss the development proposal for 4606 N Kelso.
Although we will break for summer, there will be a lot going on in Mayfair. PEBA/SSA #79 are hosting musical performances every month from June through September at Clark Street Sports.
The Mayfair Branch Library is hosting many events this summer, including a Bollywood Indian Dance performance with Old Town School of Folk Music on June 8. It will hold several special children’s events including a June 15 event featuring a reading by Alderman Nugent and related Touch a Truck featuring a variety of City emergency vehicles that kids will be able to see, touch and get into.
Many thanks to Chief Librarian Rebecca Berg for kicking things off on May 29, with the first Late Nite at the Library event featuring The Flat Cats. If you missed it, be sure to get to upcoming Late Nites, details of which are posted on the Branch website.
Finally, thanks to PEBA/SSA #79, Erin Minckley, Relativity Textiles, and all the volunteers that completed the Mayfair Mural. Be sure to attend the formal dedication at 10:00am on June 27.
2024 Meeting Schedule
Mayfair Civic Association meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of every month. No meetings are held in January, July, or August. These are the remaining dates for 2024. These are suggested meeting dates and topics, subject to any comments you may provide, but will be followed in the absence of alternative suggestions. Our Board generally meets quarterly as determined by Board members.
June 13 Open | October 10 Elections | December 12 Holiday Party |
September 12 Traffic & Parking | November 14 Annual Party Planning |
Reminder: The MCA is looking for a new treasurer!
If you or someone you know has accounting skills and would like to get more involved and contribute directly to your neighborhood, Mayfair Civic Association is looking for a new treasurer. Those interested can contact MCA President Ron Duplack at rduplack@rieckcrotty.com. Thank you for your support!
Membership Meetings
Details from our recent meeting of the Mayfair Civic Association are included in the President’s Letter.
Thanks to the neighbors, as well as to the offices of Alderman Nugent for Ward 39 and Congressman Quigley for Illinois 5th District for attending.
Updates on 4606 N Kelso zoning variance request
See the earlier post for past discussions on this topic. The lawyer for the property owner was in attendance at the April 11 meeting and provided some additional details. The property includes 2 lots (4 & 5) and currently has a single 2-flat on lot 4, with an extended portion of the building that adds more space to a dwelling unit. The owner wants to divide the property into two and have two buildings on it. The current 2-flat on lot 4 of the property would not be in compliance with zoning regulations if they divide the property into two, because the lot size would change from 50’x125′ to 25’x125′, and zoning regulations require 5k square feet of land area for the square footage of a 2-flat.
The site plans were not yet available by the time of the meeting. The attendees agreed that the plans would serve as the basis for the zoning request approval, and would therefore need to be provided to the Civic Association before approval could be granted.
Since the meeting, the following site plan has been provided.
We will be discussing the plan during the June 13 meeting.
Updates from the Alderman
The following are some highlights from Alderman Nugent’s newsletters and other communications.
Voting now open for Participatory Budgeting Cycle 5
Our fifth round of Participatory Budgeting (PB) is now open for public vote! YOU can vote on how we will spend part of the 39th Ward’s infrastructure budget. Project ideas were submitted by the community, and our community representatives created a ballot of proposals. You can view these proposals below.
PB is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of the public budget, also known as the “menu”. “Menu money” is ward-specific money that aldermen allocate to specific needs across the Ward.
Voting closes on Wednesday, June 12th at 11:59 p.m.
We have partnered again with PB Chicago, an initiative of the Great Cities Institute, for the PB Process. Visit the PB Chicago page by clicking the link, follow the directions to fill out the survey confirming your address and age, and then complete your ballot. Choose projects adding up to $500,000.
We are excited to see the outcome of this year’s PB cycle. Results will be announced on Wednesday, June 12th.

Visit and Subscribe!
Visit https://aldermannugent.com/ to subscribe to Alderman Nugent’s newsletter and learn about what she’s doing for the 39th Ward. My office is open Mondays from 9am to 7pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm and Fridays from 9am to 3pm. While the office is open for walk-ins, appointments are encouraged. We ask that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Please reach out should you have any questions, comments, or concerns at 773-736-5594 or via email at Ward39@CityOfChicago.Org.
In the Neighborhood
Grand reveal of new mural at Relativity Textiles
Artist Erin Minckley, owner of Relativity Textiles, has completed her “Welcome to Mayfair” mural! There will be a gathering on Thursday, June 27 at 10:00am at 4221 W Lawrence, in the parking lot next to Relativity Textiles, to gaze at and celebrate the accomplishment.
For more info about the mural work, see the earlier post.

Live music at Clark Street Sports
The Pulaski/Elston Business Association (aka PEBA, or SSA #79) is sponsoring a new summer music series: Live on Lawrence! The performances will be in the parking lot of Clark Street Sports at 4506 W Lawrence. The performance schedule is below.

Mayfair Branch Library Program Schedule
The Mayfair branch of the Chicago Public Library has many fun programs planned for the summer! It’s located at 4400 W Lawrence Avenue. You can see the complete schedule of events at https://www.chipublib.org/locations/49/. Below are some of the events.
Indian Dance & Culture Workshop With Bollywood Groove
Saturday, June 8 at 2 p.m.
Celebrate Indian culture through stories, engaging facts and incredibly fun dance movements. For ages 2 and up. Online registration is required.
Family Dance Party
Tuesday, June 11 at 4:30 p.m.
Cha cha slide your way down to the library. Dance to some of your favorite tunes and try out some group dances. For ages 2-13. Online registration is required.
Tales For Two’s & Three’s Story Time
Thursdays, June 13 – August 1 at 10:30 a.m.
Join as we share stories, songs and rhymes followed by a craft and open play. Recommended for ages 2-5.
Saturday, June 15 at 10 a.m.
Join us for a fun story with our local alderperson, Samantha Nugent, followed by an exciting visit with community vehicles of different sizes and the people who drive them.
For ages 2-13.
Kid Crafternoon: Music Meets Art
Tuesday, June 18 at 4:30 p.m.
Join us as we design and make our very own album covers. Recreate one of your favorite album covers or make a design of your very own.
For ages 6-13. Online registration is required.
Rappin’ Ray Family Concert
Saturday, June 22 at 10:30 a.m.
Rappin’ Ray will amuse you with his stories and hip-hop skillz. Sing and dance along in this interactive show that can only be described as out-RAY-geous. For ages 2-13.
Science Of Sound
Tuesdays, June 25 and July 9 at 4:30 p.m.
Sounds are all around us! Join us as we experiment with some of the many ways that we hear sounds.
For ages 6-13. Online registration is required.
Music And Movement With The Music Playhouse Of Chicago
Friday, June 28 at 10:30 a.m.
Interactive and engaging music and movement experience for young children with singing, dancing, instrument play and music games. For ages 0-5 with a caregiver.Online registration is required.
Community Cinema For Families
Fridays, June 14, June 28, and July 12 at 2 p.m.
Visit us at www.chipublib.org/mayfair for details.
Teen Programs
Anime And Manga Club
Wednesdays, June 26 and July 17 at 5 p.m.
Come to the Mayfair branch to watch an anime title or to discuss a manga series while enjoying Japanese snacks. For ages 10-18.
Teen Sound Series
Wednesdays, June 12, July 3, July 10, July 24 from 4-6 p.m.
Saturday, August 3 at 3 p.m.
Experience the thrill of music through a variety of engaging programs designed to inspire creativity and expression. Whether you’re just starting out or already have some skills, this series is the perfect place to explore your musical interests in a fun and supportive environment. Don’t miss the chance to connect with music and fellow teens this summer! For ages 10-18.
Adult Programs
Music Trivia Night
Monday, June 10, from 6:00PM – 7:00PM
Do you think you know everything about rock and music trivia? Come and test your music knowledge at music trivia night! Bragging rights and prizes could be yours.
Jazzman Ray In Concert
Saturday, June 29, From 2:00PM – 3:00PM
Come listen to Jazzman Ray as he performs jazz standards and other classic songs.
Mayfair Park 2024 events calendar
Don’t forget these upcoming summer events hosted by Mayfair Park Advisory Council. Mayfair Park is at located at 4550 W Sunnyside Ave. For more info:
CAPS Meeting for Beat 1722
CAPS meetings for Beat 1722 are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is on June 19 at 6:30pm in the Community Room of the 17th District Police Department at 4650 N Pulaski. A full schedule of meetings for the year can be found here.
The primary purpose of the beat community meeting is to allow beat residents, other community stakeholders and police to discuss chronic problems on the beat and to engage in problem solving using the CAPS five-step problem-solving process. Beat community meetings provide an opportunity for police and community residents to exchange information about conditions in the neighborhood, to identify crime and disorder problems, and to develop strategies to combat those problems. The meeting also provides an opportunity for police and community to get to know one another.
For upcoming meeting info, or if you have questions or comments, please contact the CAPS office at 312-742-4588, or email caps.017district@chicagopolice.org. Learn about the Office of Community Policing at https://home.chicagopolice.org/community-policing-group/.
Newsletter Contributions
If you would like to contribute an article or other content to this newsletter, please reach out to us at mayfair-civic-newsletter@googlegroups.com. We have a distribution of 100s of Mayfair neighbors and growing. For more information on contributing to the newsletter, visit the Newsletter page.